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Board and Governance

Aura Leisure and Libraries Limited is a charitable, not-for-profit, organisation responsible for managing the majority of leisure centres, libraries and play areas in the county of Flintshire. The company is owned by its employees and the legal model is a Community Benefit Society. Aura’s constitution states that the business of the company is to be conducted for the benefit of the community and not for the financial benefit of its members (employees).

Governance of Aura is provided by a Non-Executive Board which is made up of local professional people who have committed to volunteering their time. There are no shareholders on the Board and no dividends are paid to anybody.


Sara is the Chair of Aura’s Board of Non-Executive Directors.

Sara retired from full time work as a Further Education College Principal in 2013 and was awarded an OBE for services to vocational education in the same year.

As well as education, Sara has expertise in governance, public service and human resources. Since retirement, Sara has also been a Non-Executive Director of a social housing association.

She has lived in Flintshire for over 30 years and was attracted to join Aura because of the positive difference it makes to the health and well-being of the people of the county.

Peter is the Chair of Aura’s Audit and Risk Sub-Committee.

Peter is Group Director of Resources at Cartrefi Conwy, an independent not-for-profit Registered Social Landlord.

He has experience of working in both private and public sectors and has over 15 years’ experience at Board level.

Peter is a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). His principal areas of responsibility with Cartrefi Conwy include business planning, financial management, governance, human resources, insurance and information and communication technology.

Peter joined Aura due to his passion and support for community-based leisure and library services.

Peter is the Chair of Aura’s Governance and Nominations Sub-Committee.

Peter is a marketing and communications professional specialising in economic development, physical and social regeneration, culture, sport, tourism, inward investment, media and brand management, public affairs and major events.

He is a former Deputy Chair of Arts Council England Northwest and Member of the Northwest Sports Council. He was a member of the London 2012 Nations and Regions Group representing the Northwest and chaired the steering committee for the Olympic Torch Relay.

Peter lives in Mold and is passionate about Aura’s role in delivering culture, sport and leisure opportunities that improve mental health and physical well-being for our local communities.

Jane is currently Head of Commercial Development (Product and Services) for the Disclosure and Barring Service. Previously, she has been a business improvement consultant supporting Chief Executives, Directors and senior managers to lead their organisations through change initiatives.

She is keen to help Aura develop further in terms of strategic planning, innovation and partnerships.

Jane has lived in Flintshire most of her life and the impact Aura’s services have on communities is very important to her.

Dan is currently a Sports Development Officer within Aura having started as a volunteer in 2009. As an employee-owned organisation, Dan is the workforce representative on the Board responsible for ensuring the ‘voice’ of colleagues is reflected in the decision-making process.

Dan has experience of grant funded programmes, together with a wealth of knowledge of the local communities in which Aura serves.

Mike enjoyed a near 30-year career as Head of Service for Leisure in Flintshire, firstly with Delyn Borough Council and then, following local government reorganisation in 1996, with the County Council.

He has significant experience across the Leisure portfolio including capital projects, grant funding, play areas and public open spaces, and working with development partners and sports councils.

Following his retirement in 2011, Mike has remained an active user of Aura’s facilities, alongside his grandchildren, and retains a close interest in the organisation’s progress and development.

Nicki is a public relations and external communications professional with more than 15 years’ experience of working in the financial services sector. She currently works for Royal London specialising in consumer and personal finance PR.

Nicki is an active committee member for Deeside Netball Club, based at Deeside Leisure Centre, where she is responsible for managing the club’s social media channel across multiple platforms. She has played netball since she was 11 years of age and is a passionate advocate of the benefits and value that comes from having an active lifestyle and the camaraderie that sharing a hobby and sport brings.

Nicki is eager to share her enthusiasm for sport and business acumen gained from years of working for large UK organisations, as well as applying her extensive communications’ experience to support Aura in its future endeavours.

Ed is currently employed as Executive Director of Care & Support for ClwydAlyn, a North Wales-based Housing Association. In addition to providing strategic leadership to a broad range of services, Ed has responsibility for Health & Safety and Safeguarding.

Born and bred in Flintshire, he has been a regular customer of Aura Wales for many years and is keen to support the continued growth and development of its services. Outside of work, Ed is an active member of Mold Rugby Club where he currently coaches mini rugby.

Aura Leisure and Libraries Limited is registered in England and Wales under the Cooperative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 (Registration No. 7610). The Registered Office address is Deeside Leisure Centre, Chester Road West, Queensferry, Flintshire, CH5 1SA.

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